I believe our home tells a story about who we are and who we want to be. We represent ourselves by the things we use to decorate. It’s often collection of things we connect with or hold cherish memories. The smell of good food, sound of good times, and warmth of family/friends are what turn a house into a home. I always wanted to make my home like my moms’ in a sense. She was brilliant at cooking, decorating and filling her home with love/warmth. At the end of everyday nothing was better than coming home to family, eating good food and relaxing. Home should be where we love, laugh and live. True, everyone home on the outside look different. However, the inside of everyone home is their sanctuary and treasure chest of living. It’s where you can be yourself and not be questioned/judged. I love when M greet family/friends who come to visit our home. M feel more comfortable and relax at home. One day M great grandparents came to visit. M greeted them at the door. Later, M kept saying “oom” to them. After a few minutes, they realized they were being invited to Ms’ room. Yes, M was welcoming them into his world. Lately when we travel back and forth to hospital/doctor appointments out-of-town, M would say “home.” It melts my heart that M feel comfortable and loved in our home. M has taught me despite our life being busy and scattered there is no place like home…four simple walls covered in warmth and love with cherish love ones creating memories.

Simply an autism mom learning

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